Short Brief

Name of Implementer organization: Amhara Development Association (ADA) Name of the Project: PReSERVE-Social Accountability Donor/Partner: FH Ethiopia/USAID Project Budget: 1,410,056 USD Project Period: September 2014-----June 2018 E.c Project Areas: South Gonder 5 woredas/100 kebeles (Simada, Lay Gayint, Sede Muja, Tach Gayint, Meketawa); Waghimra Zone 3 woredas/44 kebeles (Sahala, Ziquala & Abergelle), and Central Gonder 1 woreda (East Belesa-30 kebeles)

Short Brief    Posted on : January 03,25


Project Title: Amhara Local Governance Project – ALGP Donor/Funding agency: HELVETAS Swiss Interco operation + ADA Executing agency (gov’t, Line Departments): BOFEC, ANRSC, and BoPD Partners/ Implementing Agency: ADA, MSCFSO, WDA, EAWA, WE- Action, & BDU Duration of the project: 39 months (1st October 2022 – 31st December 2025) Total project Budget: 133,645,380 Birr Area of operation: West Gojam, East Gojam, Central Gondar, Waghimra, South Wollo, and South Gondar (29 woredas/ Total of 420 kebeles) Target Groups: 48,270 (22,135 F)

Short Brief    Posted on : January 03,25


Project Name: Strengthen the health system Capacity for improved MNCH Including vaccination service access and use in 3 woredas of the west and East Gojam zones of the Amhara Region Project Location:- East& West Gojam zones of the region of three woredas, 24 Health centers and 01 Hospital Project areas/ Woredas: • East& West Gojam (Goncha SisoEnesie), • East& West Gojam (Dega Demote and Sekela) Project Period: • Start date-Aug 15, 2024 (budget released to ADA on September 20, 20240) • End Date-December 31.2024

Short Brief    Posted on : January 03,25


Background • USAID Family Focused HIV Prevention Care and Treatment services in Amhara region is a USAID /PEPFAR-funded program implemented in selected SNUs in Amhara region • Amhara Development Association (ADA) is a prime partner for the Activity in the Amhara region since August 2020 and have direct service delivery role through partnering with seven local sub-recipients. • The Activity focuses on improving access and demand for HIV prevention, testing and counseling, adherence services, and mitigation services for orphan and vulnerable children, PLHIV and their families through person-centered and family-focused approach. • Community-based HIV testing and linkage service focusing on index case testing is one of the interventions that the Activity is implementing to contribute for the 1st and 2nd 95 targets. As part of service differentiation, the activity provides HIV self-testing as testing modality for contacts of index cases if they prefer • From October 2022 to March 2023 a total of 275 new HIV positive clients were identified and started ART in the selected SNUs

Short Brief    Posted on : June 03,24


Background • USAID Family Focused HIV Prevention Care and Treatment services in Amhara region is a USAID /PEPFAR- funded program implemented in selected SNUs in Amhara region • Amhara Development Association (ADA) is a prime partner for the Activity in the Amhara region since August 2020 and have direct service delivery role through partnering with seven local sub-recipients. • The Activity focuses on improving access and demand for HIV prevention, testing and counseling, adherence services, and mitigation services for orphan and vulnerable children, PLHIV and their families through person- centered and family-focused approach. • One of the care and treatment services the Activity supported to improve retention and viral suppression among clients on ART is Community Differentiated Service Delivery Model (CDSDM). It is a person- centered approach to HIV care and treatment that tailor services to different groups of PLHIV depending on their evolving needs while maintaining the basis of the public health approach • The Activity closely supports Amhara regional health bureau in the implementation of community differentiated service delivery models; health extension professional lead community ART group (HEP-CAG) and Peer lead community ART distribution (PCAD) to improve continuity of treatment, adherence to ART and achieve viral load suppression at 79 health facilities in Amhara region. • As of FY24_Q1, 6,487 clients are actively receiving their treatment through Community Differentiated Service Delivery Models (1,830 HEP CAG and 4,657 PCAD)

Short Brief    Posted on : June 03,24


Background Amhara Development Association (ADA) is implementing USAID Family-Focused HIV Prevention Care and Treatment Services in the Amhara region since August 2020. The purpose of the Activity is to strengthen local HIV epidemic control & contribute to the attainment of the three 95 goals. Data of high quality, accurate and reliable information, are important to show program progress towards established goals and targets, facilitate correct decision making, show accountability and good governance. The Activity is responsible to review, clean, analyze, interpret and ensure the quality of program results data prior to submission to USAID via U.S. government’s DATIM system. However, the prolonged and recurrent conflict in the region was a challenge for data quality assurance. The objective is to share how ADA monitor the quality of reported data during the ongoing regional armed conflict.

Short Brief    Posted on : June 03,24
