Program Managment


To contribute its own effort in the area of education, health, skill training and small enterprise and help the region to accomplish the development and transformation plan


By improving ownership and satisfaction sense of customer make the people responsible and full participatory for the development and create common consensus in the process of development mobilization. Provide qualified and customer based service Improve the system of fundraising through project, based on the project manual design project proposal and generate resource, and use properly Participatory project designing ,by strengthen the system of monitoring and evaluation all people must participate in the development project, through participatory monitoring and evaluation assure the satisfaction of the public in need of, and improve the system to serve full, based on knowledge and continuous situation for participation. Improve and increase the quality and quantity of education, support educational institution which work for quality and quantity of education through material, training and building Improve and increase the quality of health service, support health institution which work for quality of health through material, training and building Through improving entrepreneurship skill and their attitude towards on work, skill training and proper monitoring and evaluation participate and benefit unemployment citizens in a small business enterprise, and help to be free from poverty Create a system which can make better and effective mechanism in the utilization of resource by time, objective and cost minimization center Improve the capacity and effectiveness of workers through support of technology training either in the long term or short term program In all project service the youth and women benefit, participate youth and women association at the project implementation, contribute to improve women and youth talent and benefit especially sport, skill and entrepreneurship. Help natural resource preservation and based on the research work on the selected Worda’s afforestation, irrigation has been done. The activities shall be performed with education, health and livelihood/population health environment approach. Through afforestation the deforested mountain can be source of income and support the public mobilization

Main activities of the program


Health development

Basic skill training and livelihood

Youth and sport